Wednesday 18 February 2009

That's how winning is done!

"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard and how much you can take the hit and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" - Rocky Balboa

Nah, I'm not trying to act like a genius (I'm a genius anyway... LOL) or a sensible freak, but somehow I find that phrase highly meaningful. And I don't really know why but I suddenly had the urge to share it with you guys. Don't ask me why. =)

Recently, I'm just so running out of time + breath for my assignments and test. Things just keep on coming and coming, and just when I thought I had completed one of the MANY assignments, there comes another. It is just.. never ending. Arghhh...

But like how it is said, I'll have to endure all the things coming against me and keep on walking forward. And perhaps, I might be able to finally catch a glimpse of success. w00t! Look who's talking now. LOL. Putting it like a pro (which I'm actually not. My actions speak softer than words, unfortunately).

Anyway, Dynamics (DA PHEAR!!) test is coming up next Monday or Tuesday. And here's a thing. I'm already in week 6 (or is it 7?) but guess what? I could not understand any single bit of it (Dynamics, I mean..). This is happening to me.. like for the first time in my life (atleast I could still understand some parts of my Engineering Maths but Dynamics is just.. =\). Felt so effin' miserable and disappointed at myself. WTF. I swear I dropped my jaw when I saw the solution of those questions in tutorial. Guess it is about time for me to brush up on my studies thingy before it's too late.

Alright, I'll cut short of those depressing things.


So, I've been hearing good things about Benjamin Button recently, the movie I mean. Suddenly feel like watching it but I'm only lonely over here at PJ. =(

No one is willing to accompany me to watch movies here. How sad. And I'll have to resort to some other "illegal" way (obviously... the thing everyone does nowadays. xD) to watch the movie then, in my computer. LOL.

Okie, before I sign off... here, check out my friend's blog, Milktee. He's shipping out a bunch of nice t-shirts next month. But you can order it early to get some discount. Some of the designs are pretty cool. Check them out!