For me though... coz some of my friends who are taking Chinese and ICT have to wait until 6th of December.. Too bad for them.. But still, cheers to those who have finished their SPM... But better don't think about the results first.. Let's enjoy the holidays while there are still time before the results is officially released... ^^
Frankly, I couldn't bring myself to sleep last night... It was all about the end of SPM for me when I was lying on my bed.. I was just too excited whenever I think about the prospect of only 1 subject left and guess what? It's all over now.. In just a second of time and everything has ended.. Time never wait huh? No doubt about that...
Biology was the last subject for me.. When I arrived at school this morning, I saw a few of my friends.. They looked like it was all over even before the paper started.. No exception to me either.. I felt the same way... But then before entering the hall, the tense filled me back.. I don't really have much confidence with my Bio as my Bio sucks... Yup, I sucks at Bio honestly.. But I can blame no one except myself because it was all due to my laziness.. To me, Bio and Sejarah.. They are just the same... HAFAL HAFAL AND HAFAL! Hate it.. But I wasn't left with much choice... Surprisingly, the paper wasn't as hard as I expected.. I could actually answered most of the question..
Until the third paper of Bio, everyone was so eager to finish the paper.. Within 1 hour, the hall was half-cleared.. No kidding.. Most of us left the hall.. (including me of course =D) And the SPM has officially ended for me.. just like that... And the irony was that despite expecting and eager-ing for the SPM to finish a.s.ap, I didn't really feel the kind of excitement I wanted after the SPM.. Weird? Indeed... I couldn't tell why either.. Everything passed.. Just like that... Where's the excitement I've been hungering for all these while? Perhaps it is because I've been enjoying even before SPM has ended.. =(
11 years of school-ing... 5 years in HSM.. And it has all come to an end... I have to admit I actually missed the school now.. Or maybe not the school.. Perhaps I just missed all my friends and the memories I had in the school... Sad and happy? Sweet and bitter? Whatever.. here's some pics we took during the last few days of schools... xD
To those who cannot stand seeing pretty girl, please scroll up or press the 'x' at the top right corner immediately... And to those, who have the gut.. Scroll down...
To those who cannot stand seeing pretty girl, please scroll up or press the 'x' at the top right corner immediately... And to those, who have the gut.. Scroll down...
Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you.. Our HSM one and only..
Anyway, I am all used up now.. Missing my bed already (I said I couldn't sleep last night xD).. Time to have some rest and there's still a long long journey waiting for me... YUP! HOLIDAYS ARE WAITING FOR ME! Haha.. And oh ya... All the best to those who are still taking their SPM! Hehe.. Kudos! ^^